Phone: 425-252-3800

General Teamsters Local Union No. 38
Updated On: Sep 07, 2024

Question: Did your Employer tell you, without any justification, that your performance just hasn't been up to Company's expectations and the raise you were expecting for the New Year is now under reconsideration?

Do you feel that "friends" of the Supervisors seem to get good jobs and better wages even though you have much more experience and training, not to mention that you have been with the Company many years longer than they have been employed there?

Did the Employer just decide to change your benefit package, i.e. reduce your vacation schedule, take away holiday(s) or make you pay for health and welfare benefits, without any notice or opportunity for you to have any input in the decision?

Do the rules in that Employee Handbook seem to change without any reason or explanation?

Answer: If you are tired of being that "at will" employee who has no recourse to any changes in the workplace, except for being reminded that "if you don't like it, feel free to look for employment elsewhere", or "if you don't like it, there is the door", then you need to check out your options with a Local Union. A Collective Bargaining Agreement includes wages, benefits and working conditions, negotiated by "YOU", the employees and your Union Representative, with the Employer, and cannot be changed or taken away for the term of the Agreement without mutual agreement. This means that if your Employer wants to change or take away negotiated compensation or benefits, the Employer must negotiate such changes with you and your Union Representative. This also means that you have the legal right, process and representation to challenge any unjust economic or disciplinary action against you, by the Employer, through legal "due process" with the grievance and arbitration provision negotiated in your Labor Agreement.

If you would like to find out more about your rights and protection on the job with Union representation, please give us a call and speak to one of our Local Union Representatives. Your Employer has legal representation, so should you. We, at Teamsters Union Local 38, represent over 4,000 members from a variety of trades including Grocery, UPS, U.S. Foods, Heavy Construction, the Everett Housing AuthorityMaintenance Workers, the Snohomish County Search and Rescue admin team, Suburban Propane, Everett Steel and Pipe, Hogland Transfer, Crown Distributing, Canteen Vending, Franz Thriftstore Bakeries and more…

 Your call will be confidential and there are no obligations.

Everett Office: 425-252-3800 ext 225

  • General Teamsters Local Union No. 38

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